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My best friends

Apa sih arti sahabat buat kamu?? kalo aku banyak banget, sampe2 ga bisa ditulis pake kata2 (trus pake apa dong??) yang pasti friendly nya aku…banyak kesan yang tersimpan di otakku..mulai dari yang sedih sampe yang senang..
teman2 kuliahku pasti ga’ percaya kalo aku dwaktu SD sangat pendiam (padahal ga juga seeh, hehe), cuma dibanding pada saat aku di TK, MTs, MA ma kuliah..waktu SD adalah masa yang sangat suram buatku. soalnya pada masa ini aku ga punya teman yang sangat2 dekat seperti pada keempat masa itu (TK, MTs, MA, Kuliah). cuma sekedar teman sekolah, ketemu disekolah, pulang sekolah?? ya punya teman lagi… trus..status sosial sangat menonjol disekolahku dulu, yang kaya maen ma yang kaya..yang sedang kaya aku ini..ya..maennya juga ma yang sedang2 aja hehe… makanya pada masa ini aku sangat miskin prestasi (menurutku) walaupun aku sering juga dapat renking, dan salah satu prestasi yang membanggakan d waktu SD adalah saat aku juara 1 lomba baca qur’an tingkat SD sekota ku, kereeen kaan?? (buatku itu udah kereen loh).
Saat di MTs, aku lumayan punya banyak teman..dan punya best friend lah yang selalu pergi kemana2 berdua, ke kamar mandi, ke pasar, makan bakso, minjem komik, ke perpus, ke kantin, poko e’ dimana ada shofie disitu psti ada Nisa. Yup, nama best friendku itu..Annisa Fithri (kalo dia baca ini, psti dia Ge_eR) hehe…
waktu kelas satu sih, aku ga teralu dekat ma dia, pas waktu kelas dua baru deeeeh. kami berdua banyak melakukan hal yang menurutku sekarang sangat konyol (hehe). bayangin aja, pas istirahat kita tuh seringnya keliling sekolah sambil ber say hello ma teman2 anak kelas lain sampe ma adek kelas ma kakak kelas pun kita say hello in, hehe. makanya walaupun kita ga masuk OSIS kita cukup tekenal, haha. kalo udah pulang sekolah and kita lagi BT kita pasti pergi naik angkot keliling kota (ga jelas,..), trus ntar turun dirumah masing2 hehe.. lumayan loh buat ngusir stresss… yang paling seru..kalo makan bakso ma Nisa…sampe muka kita pada merah2 kepedasan..hihi. Tapi kelas tiga kita agak renggang, mungkin karena persaingan dikelas…:) tapi sampe sekarang…kita tetap keep in touch kok. Masa MTsN ini adalah masa terindah setelah TK buat aku…karena disini aku kenal cinta pertamaku alias cinta monyeeeet (hahaha).
hmm…mungkin namanya tak perlu disebut, thanks buat dia yg udah turut andil dalam perjalanan hidupku. ngasih pengalaman malunya anak kecil yg baru suka ma lawan jenis. Sumpah, itu konyol banget, tp menurut aku itu indaaaah banget (prikitiew..) soalnya ga kayak teman2 yg lain yg udah mulai pacaran, aku ma dia cuma bisa suka-sukaan, titip salam, minta tolong kerjain pe-er atau tugas..(haha). aku ngerjain bahasa inggrisnya, dia ngerjain biologi ma matematika ku..hehe. tapi percaya ga kalo selama hampir 2 tahun suka ma dia, kita ga pernah ngobrol? yup..itu dia yang bikin indah…bikin deg-degan kalo ngeliat, rasanya..walaupun ga liat orangnya tp aku tw dia lg ada dimana 🙂 but..itu harus berakhir di waktu lulus, kita beda SMA… Aku masuk MAN, dia masuk SMA…hmm…pas ketemu terakhir, udah banyak yang berubah dari dia, udah jadi polisi bo.. haha, tapi sayang…feeling waktu MTs itu pun hilang…haha…namanya juga cinta monyet. Tapi, dia tetap jd bestfriendlah buat aku…

ict assignment 3

We have already known that technology cannot be separated from education. Because it was help both teacher and students in teaching and learning. In teaching and learning English language, CALL is one of the achievement which is got in education, because four skills in English such as listening, speaking, reading and writing was accomplished in it. It makes teaching and learning English easier, teachers can make their teaching more effective, students can get fun learning, and it gives the effective time and teaching and learning. Although CALL can help in teaching and learning, but we also must give assessment and evaluation for it. We have to investigate whether it’s material valid or not, reliable or not. According to Hartoyo (2008, 90) there are five principles in assessed CALL, they are:
1) Interactivity (feedback and instruction), refers to how program can stimulate interaction, especially interaction between the computer and the user. It is includes the effectiveness of the instructions and feedback provided in the program.
2) Usability (flexibility) refers to the flexibility, ease and inherent interest of the program used, and how easy it is to navigate within the program
3) Content appropriateness is concerned with the amount of material presented in the program, how easily the material is learned and understood, and how far the material meets the students’ need.
4) Effectiveness refers to how effectively the program assists language learners to improve their mastery of grammar
5) Performance (attractiveness) refers to the presentation, layout of the screen, the color, and the illustrations (picture, diagram, charts, etc.) used in the program.
 Interactivity: this CD ROM is very interactive and interesting, because students can make a directly activity with computer. They can operate and do it by themselves, because the understandable instruction.
 Usability: this CD ROM is flexible, easy to navigate and to play
 Content appropriateness: all contents in this CD ROM is sufficient for the users and it’s very interesting because provide so many vocabulary and sound recording for the users.
 Effectiveness: it is very effective because can enrich the users’ vocabularies and beside it they can play the games that appropriate with the content or practicing the vocabulary.
 Performance (attractiveness): its performance is very attractive because it provides of colorful, interesting music and clear sound.
• Interactivity: The “Menu” is very useful to make users interact with the program. The students can repeat the words after listen to the sound.
• Usability: This CD is very easy to use; users just need to pay attention to their mouse to get the best answer.
• Content appropriateness: the content in this CD ROM is very various; the users can choose which theme that want to do. The contents are very suitable for users especially for beginners.
• Effectiveness: this CD is very effective because students improve their vocabulary because they can hear the clear instruction from the CD to play the games.
• Performance (attractiveness): this CD will get the students’ attention because its performance is very attractive with colorful, interesting picture and animation and interesting music.
• Interactivity: this CD ROM will improve students’ knowledge about pronunciation and spelling and the difference between American and British style. It is very interactive because the users can directly interact with the speakers such as getting feedback.
• Usability: it is very usable because it contains of an easy navigation, clear instruction and makes students eager to access the menu.
• Content appropriateness: this CD contains of various contents; easy and hard games, word practice, speaking practice. It offers so many vocabularies that are suitable to elementary and first junior high school students.
• Effectiveness: this CD is very effective because there are some many advantages that users can get from this CD such as learning about pronunciation of the words and practice it by recording their voice. Another one is the users can play the games.
• Performance (attractiveness): it is very fabulous CD because it contains of colorful lay out, lively picture or objects and interesting games. All of these things can attract students.
• Interactivity: this CD is very interactive because the users able to learn about some expression and phrases, then they can record their voice.
• Usability: this CD is very usable and easy to navigate, contains some menus such as student records, change help languages, go online access, reward and quit sign. Some quizzes in this CD make it more usable.
• Content appropriateness: this CD contains various interesting topics which can give advantages for the users, they are: The alphabets, Greetings, At the restaurant, Shopping, Getting around, at the hotel, On the phone, Emergencies, Leisure and Business.
• Effectiveness: it is very effective for the users to use this CD in order to learn about expression and phrase and they can learn about both American and British style.
• Performance (attractiveness): this CD has interesting performance, start from the lay out, sound, color, background, it can make interest to use it.

25px” id=”__ss_4833083″>Individual differences and call

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We have already known that education cannot separate from the development of technology, especially from computer technology. It was help us in education such us preparing our lesson plan, finding the material that will be explained to the students, knowing the recent knowledge from the whole world, making our job easier to do, etc. Using computer not only teachers that received the advantages of it but also students. They can get so many references about their lesson from computer (internet), make them easier to do their assignment, and so on.
There is a widespread expectation that these technologies will change the nature of instruction and provide the learners with cognitively challenging, attractive materials. Through the use of Internet, multimedia etc., learners can engage in individualized instruction where they can investigate and learn concepts and content to meet their specific needs. It is widely believed that because students are highly motivated through rich, interesting and engaging learning experiences, their understanding of the subject is enhanced. Thus students cannot help but pay attention to information that is presented in dynamic and memorable ways.
Here the argument is in favors of the software that acts as cognitive tools that can engage students in learning, rather than in playing with it. Olson and Clough’s (2001) also warn that:
• The technology used in the classroom should not be further than students’ conceptual understanding.
• Technology should not determine the content or the activity but teachers should shape the technology in order to meet his/her or the students’ needs.
• The technology used in the classroom should be goal-oriented, not just for the sake of the technology.
• The reasons for the technology should be strong, if the only reason is to have fun, other options should be considered.
• Advantages and disadvantages of the technology should be considered before the decision to use it.
Recently, using computer ion teaching and learning has a big develop. It can be seen from the use of computer in so many schools in the world. Then, so many experts began to manage computer to be the tools in teaching and learning, and they said it with CAL (Computer Assisted Learning) or in teaching language said by CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning).
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is a form of computer-based learning which carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. It means that by using CALL students can learn and study by themselves, they do not need teacher’s help except the little bit explanation about the material. According to (Hartoyo 2006, 21) CALL is a program derived from CAL (Computer-Assisted Learning) which is implemented to language, but the use of computer here is mainly aimed at providing a language learning tutorial program. It means that CALL specially designed to language learning tutorial program or helping the teaching and learning language.
There are numerous reasons for using CALL, according to Bloom and Hanych (2002), for example:
• It is believed that computers enhance learning.
• Educational software can motivate students to study topics deeply.
• It is beneficial for teachers too.
• Education has entered the digital age. It is inevitable
• Digital learning has dynamic, interactive and visual features that cannot be provided by printed materials.
• Hypertext and interactive feature of the digital materials allow learners to develop a nonlinear thinking skill.
• Distance education also suggests solutions to many problems of educational systems.
According to Wikipedia, the reasons for using CALL are:
(a) experiential learning,
(b) motivation,
(c) enhance student achievement,
(d) authentic materials for study,
(e) greater interaction,
(f) individualization,
(g) independence from a single source of information, and
(h) global understanding.
The barriers inhibiting the practice of Computer-assisted Language Learning can be classified in the following common categories:
(a) financial barriers,
(b) availability of computer hardware and software,
(c) technical and theoretical knowledge, and
(d) acceptance of the technology
Beside all that reasons above, now we are going to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of CALL.
• CALL encourages users (students) to develop a non sequential reading habit, which is hoped will carry over to reading task with traditional, printed material (Ansel, et al, 1992).
• CALL offers freedom for users to choose any topic of information available within the package.
• CALL spurs the user (student) to be able to collaborate very usefully in problem solving which in itself is considered to be a good skill to acquire, as it can be implemented in a wide range of different contexts.
• CALL’s flexibility of time allows the students to determine what particular topics and how long he wants to learn. Furthermore, CALL provides an individual interactive learning program, so both the “fast” and “slow” learners can take benefit from it.
Some other advantages of Computer Assisted Language Learning are elaborated by Lyon, et al, cited in Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt (1995:232) cited in Hartoyo (2008:26)
Other advantages, such as time savings for students as well as teachers, cost effectiveness, the presentation of realistic problems requiring interactive hypothetical-deductive reasoning, immediate feedback and self evaluation, opportunities for collaborative learning in small groups, and ease of teacher monitoring and control are equally valid measures of any instructional program
Although CALL gives so many advantages in teaching language but it’s also give disadvantages, they are:
• CALL is much different from traditional books that are small enough to be carried around and studied wherever and whenever students wish, on a train, at home, in the middle of night, or in a dentist’s waiting room or in other words it is considered to be much less handy.
• In general, reading a text, especially the long ones, on the screen is slower, more difficult, and tiring.
• Viewing from the financial point, CAL is costly enough for the programmer or teacher, let alone for students. A lot of funds have to be provided to purchase equipment, design programs, and for the maintenance.
Pederson (1987, pp.125-126) synthesized the smattering of trends discernible in the CALL literature:
• Meaningful (as opposed to manipulated) CALL practice is both possible (Schaeffer, 1979,1981) and preferable (Pederson, 1986)
• The design of the CALL program can encourage the development of language learning skills and result in more learning (Johansen & Tennyson, 1983; Robinson, 1989)
• Learner differences in CALL use can be traced and identified easily and accurately by keeping track of their interactive learning strategies (Jamieson, 1986; Pederson, 1986). Learner differences can affect “learner strategies, learning gains, and attitude in CALL” (Chapelle & Jamieson, 1986; Pederson,1986)
To conclude, the availability of technology has given the important role in teaching and learning, especially in teaching and learning language. CALL helps both teachers and students, helping an effective teaching for teacher, helping students to understand the language interactively. Although there are advantages given by CALL, it also gives the disadvantages. Teachers should aware with this case to make another tools or media in order to balance the disadvantages of CALL. It is done to get the better result in teaching and learning language.
Dunkel, Patricia, ed., Computer Assisted Language Learning and Testing; Research Issues and Practice. (New York: Newbury House), 1991.
Egbert, Joy and Smith, Elizabeth Hanson, ed., CALL Environments: Research, Practice, and Critical Issues second edition, (USA: TESOL),2007.
Hartoyo, Ma, Ph.D. Individual Differences in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Semarang: Universitas Negeri Semarang Press. 2008
Kazanci, Zekeriya and Okan, Zuhal, Evaluating English Language Teaching Software For Kids:Education Or Entertainment Or Both?, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET July 2009 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 8 Issue 3 Article 4.2002

Making Web Blog

Evaluation test cannot be separated from teaching learning. Evaluation test is done the measure the students’ achievement during the teaching and learning held. But, in holding the evaluation is very often for students fell scary and stress to face the test. They not enjoy doing it, no one thinks that test is fun; it’s a stressful experience for everyone. To prevent it, recently we are famous with e-learning. E- Learning comes from the development of science and information technology.
Institution of education as one of the place to develop science and technology must adjust with that development. One of the shape of acculturation from the influence and the need of institution of education to master the technology is a breakthrough to develop the concept of communication and information technology based education namely e-learning. In language teaching, we know the term of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) as the tool that helps teachers to facilitate language learning process.
Others may call CALL an approach to teaching and learning foreign languages whereby the computer and computer-based resources such as the Internet are used to present, reinforce and assess material to be learned. CALL can be made independent of the Internet. It can stand alone for example in a CDROM format. Depending on its design and objectives, it may include a substantial interactive element especially when CALL is integrated in web-based format. It is in the area of industrialization of teaching that is reigning now. The traditional face-to-face teaching which is based on interpersonal communication between the teacher and student is gone. However the industrialized teaching is able to offer teachers with the opportunity of sourcing from the computer internet rather than being faced with the problem of materials. It may include the search for and the investigation of applications in language teaching and learning. Except for self-study software, CALL is meant to supplement face-to-face language instruction, not replace it.
In its development, CALL has covered the four skills of English. A number of studies have been done concerning how the use of CALL affects the development of language learners’ four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Most report significant gains in reading and listening and most CALL programs are geared toward these receptive skills because of the current state of computer technology. However, most reading and listening software is based on drills. Gains in writing skills have not been as impressive as computers cannot assess this well.
However, using current CALL technology, even with its current limitations, for the development of speaking abilities has gained much attention. There has been some success in using CALL, in particular computer-mediated communication, to help speaking skills closely linked to “communicative competence” (ability to engage in meaningful conversation in the target language) and provide controlled interactive speaking practice outside the classroom.] Using chat has been shown to help student’s routines certain often-used expressions to promote the development of automatic structure that help develop speaking skills. This is true even if the chat is purely textual. The use of video conferencing gives not only immediacy when communicating with a real person but also visual cues, such as facial expressions, making such communication more authentic.
However, when it comes to using the computer not as a medium of communication (with other people) but as something to interact with verbally in a direct manner, the current computer technology’s limitations are at their clearest. Right now, there are two fairly successful applications of automatic speech recognition (ASR) (or speech processing technology) where the computer “understands” the spoken words of the learner. The first is pronunciation training. Learners read sentences on the screen and the computer gives feedback as to the accuracy of the utterance, usually in the form of visual sound waves. The second is software where the learner speaks commands for the computer to do. However, speakers in these programs are limited to predetermined texts so that the computer will “understand” them.
Using CALL in English teaching learning has stimulated students and teacher especially. Because it is more interactive aid compared with other media, such as tape recorder, film projectors and such common equipment-chalk and blackboard. But in this paper I want to research about the usefulness of CALL in Language testing. Is using CALL as the tool of Evaluating Test will as interest as CALL as the method? How is the manner to create a fun evaluating test using CALL? Because, most of the students felt that test is scary moment, stressful, and they only think how to get A in the test. In this chance I will collaborate how to design CALL as a fun tool of evaluating test. At the moment, CALL exercises appear to be more of a testing type than of a teaching type. The climate of opinion today seems to be that we know about testing in CALL and it is time to move on to other applications.
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is a form of computer-based learning which carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. It is not a method. CALL materials are tools for learning. The focus of CALL is learning, and not teaching. CALL materials are used in teaching to facilitate the language learning process. It is a student-centered accelerated learning material, which promotes self-paced accelerated learning.
CALL originates from CAI and was invented by Sir Mazlan from IIUM in 1970s. (Computer-Accelerated Instruction), a term that was first viewed as an aid for teachers. The philosophy of CALL puts a strong emphasis on student-centered lessons that allow the learners to learn on their own using structured and/or unstructured interactive lessons. These lessons carry 2 important features: bidirectional (interactive) learning and individualized learning. CALL is not a method. It is a tool that helps teachers to facilitate language learning process. CALL can be used to reinforce what has been learned in the classrooms. It can also be used as remedial to help learners with limited language proficiency.
Computers have been used for language teaching ever since the 1960s. This 40-year period can be divided into three main stages: behaviorist CALL, communicative CALL, and integrative CALL. Each stage corresponds to a certain level of technology and certain pedagogical theories. The reasons for using Computer-assisted Language Learning include:
(a) experiential learning,
(b) motivation,
(c) enhance student achievement,
(d) authentic materials for study,
(e) greater interaction,
(f) individualization,
(g) independence from a single source of information, and
(h) global understanding.
The barriers inhibiting the practice of Computer-assisted Language Learning can be classified in the following common categories:
(a) financial barriers,
(b) availability of computer hardware and software,
(c) technical and theoretical knowledge, and
(d) acceptance of the technology.

A test, in simple terms, is a method of measuring a person ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. A test is first a method. It is an instrument- a set of techniques, procedures, or items- that requires performance on the part of the test-taker. To qualify as a test, the method must be explicit and structured; multiple choice questions with prescribed correct answer; a writing a prompt with a scoring rubric; an oral interview based on a question script and a checklist of expected responses to be filled in by the administrator.
Second, a test must be measure. Some test measure general ability while others focus on very specific competencies or objectives. A multi-skill proficiency test determines a general ability level; a quiz on recognizing correct use of definite articles measures specific knowledge. The way the results or measurement are communicated may vary. Some tests, such as a classroom based short answer essay test, may earn the test-taker a letter grade accompanied by the instructor’s marginal comments.
Next, a test measures an individual’s ability, knowledge, or performance. Tester need to understand who the test takers are. What is their previous experience and background? Is the test appropriately matched to their abilities? How should test takers interpret their scores? A test measures performance, but the results imply the test taker‘s ability, or to use a concept common in the field of linguistics, competence. Most language test measure one’s ability to perform language, that is , to speak, write, read or listen to a subset of language.
The problem is how to make a fun evaluating test and prepare our students to face the test which is covered all the things above without make our students feel scary and stressful. Vicky Pips in his paper stated that there are many ways to prepare our students for standardized test fun:
1. Lets learn to think of testing differently and make it fun for everyone.
If we in our society could find a way to evaluate without making a score on a test determine who is the best, it could be that a standardized test won’t be seen as the ultimate test of each student’s and teacher’s worth and value in our schools.
When kids are tested throughout the school year, they learn early on that the score determines if he or she will pass the class, so why wouldn’t they be anxious when it comes to the most dreaded day of the year when the standardized test is faced with dread and fear
If a child fails any test, it’s more of a measure of the teacher’s ability to teach than it is a measure of the student’s ability to learn. In the best case scenario, all students would make straight A’s. There is no child who simply, “chooses,” to make a bad grade. It could be the teaching style that has failed, instead of the child who doesn’t learn well because of that style.
One way to alleviate this issue is to reduce our classrooms to student-teacher ratios which are more reasonable than thirty learners to one instructor. Are we placing our students in classrooms where the teaching style is comparable to the individual student’s learning style? Are we asking teachers to do the impossible? Are we limiting our students learning by teaching throughout the year, only those things that will be on the standardized test? What about the rest? The truth is that it’s all about money. It would cost too much to provide these things for more effective testing.
If we, the parents, teachers, community and state can find better ways to evaluate our own performance, maybe we’d find better ways to evaluate our student’s performance too. Testing should not be a dreaded thing, but something that gives us insight into what we are doing right and what we need to change or rearrange. Instead, we see testing as the ultimate test of ourselves, and in the process we terrify the students. We get so stressed out about that one testing day that we might as well say, “Who knows what will happen to you or me if we don’t score high on standardized testing.”
Throughout the school year when we evaluate student performance, let’s find a way to decrease the fear and dread, so we will all be at peace on the day of the standardized test.
2. Take the pressure away on testing day.
The reason our schools are under pressure to put pressure on our teachers, who put pressure on our students to score high on tests that are standardized is because of the income we need from the state. If we could find another way to get money from the state, maybe we wouldn’t need to dread test day.
Can you imagine what a standardized test designed for, “the average student,” looks like to a school district which sits in a low income community with cultural diversity? What can we do to make testing fair for all in our public schools? If we are going to determine who gets state income from a standardized test, then we need a variety of tests which address cultural differences and diversity. The testing should provide for a variety of vocabulary, where one child might be brilliantly able to pass the test that’s best for his unique community
In the mean time, let’s use our ingenuity by preparing students for testing in fun and interesting ways. Let’s not force our teachers to teach to the test, but to teach according to the needs of the child’s unique culture and community. Let’s embrace diversity by providing our students with rich cultural experiences and exposure to the world beyond our own community.
3. If we need to test, let’s test in a way that’s more revealing.
It’s true, we need to hold our teachers and schools accountable for what they do, but let’s do it in ways that are more revealing than testing every student as if they were all, “average learners.” Yes, we try to modify when we evaluate by using standardized tests, but are our modifications enough to see clearly who is learning, what they are learning and who we are failing to teach? I know for a fact that there are students who will never do well on a test where they have to sit, quietly in their seats for hours at a time, filling in tiny circles to answer a hundred test questions.
A child’s learning style should be the top priority when it comes to evaluating their skill, performance and ability that has come from what they were taught. It’s the only fair way to evaluate, not only the child’s ability to function well in society, but the performance of our teachers and schools as well.
Another way is using CALL the tool of fun evaluating test. Many research state that learners can engage in individualized instruction where they can investigate and learn concepts and content to meet their specific needs. It is widely believed that because students are highly motivated through rich, interesting and engaging learning experiences, their understanding of the subject is enhanced. Thus students cannot help but pay attention to information that is presented in dynamic and memorable ways.
A number of empirical studies done in the field of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) have also contributed to our understanding of how computers are used within particular classroom settings (Laufer & Hill, 2000; Chun & Plass, 1996; Sullivan & Pratt, 1996; Warschauer & Healy, 1998; Kern, 1995). Studies reveal several benefits for students related to the general use of technology for foreign language learning. These include improved motivation, self-concept and mastery of basic skills, increased student centered learning and engagement in the learning process (Stepp-Greany, 2002). As technology adoption for language teaching and learning continues to grow, studies confirm that learners often display improved thinking skills, recall and active language processing (Dywer, 1996; Weiss, 1994).
There are different ways of describing tests. One convenient way is in terms of test use: achievement, proficiency, aptitude, diagnostic, etc. Achievement tests are used to determine how much learners control of a known syllabus; how much may be norm or criterion referenced. Proficiency tests are used to determine control of an unknown syllabus. Aptitude tests are used to predict future language learning success. Diagnostic tests are used to determine how much learners do not control either of a known or of an unknown syllabus. In all cases there are three necessary bodies of data: one, the population of all possible test items; two, the sample of test items actually under test; and three, the number of successful test items within the learner’s control. In the case of most tests (certain limited achievement tests at an elementary level are an exception) there is inevitably a gap between one and two. In the case of all tests (except perhaps certain criterion referenced tests) there must be a gap between two and three. Tests by definition are not exercises, i.e. they are not within the grasp of all learners: tests establish a rank order.
Any CALL test use that can close the gap between the population of all possible test items and the sample under test would make an important contribution to testing. Most tests are group tests; this is a description of their construction not of their administration. In certain cases what is needed (certain criterion referenced uses perhaps) is a test of an individual against himself. I am not entirely convinced that this is so different a use that it requires a non norm-referenced method of construction, but it is the case that a swift reordering and reselecting of items appropriate to an individual’s present needs would be of use. Here again CALL seems to be of interest for testing.
Haugland (1992) suggests that educational software (CALL) must be open and exploratory to increase children’s creativity and allow them to choose and control the activity until completion. The design of educational software will also adapt itself to the progress of the child. As the child interacts with the programme the system will respond and provide feedback (Hohmann 1998). Agudo et al. (2005) also claim that by using an adaptive hypermedia system that is in line with the developmental abilities of children, they can be actively engaged in activities that improve their second language skills. Perhaps the most widely articulated argument for the use of edutainment materials is that such engaging software motivates students to explore topics in greater depth. Because students are highly involved in interactions their attention is attracted for longer periods of time.
However, creating an environment that is able to catch a child’s attention is only the first step in the instructional process. What is equally important is to maintain this attention through the design of computer software which is grounded in constructivist learning theory considering the findings of research on educational technology and educational psychology. Here the argument is in favor of the software that acts as cognitive tools that can engage students in learning, rather than in playing with it. Olson and Clough’s (2001) also warn that
• The technology used in the classroom should not be further than students’ conceptual understanding.
• Technology should not determine the content or the activity but teachers should shape the technology in order to meet his/her or the students’ needs.
• The technology used in the classroom should be goal-oriented, not just for the sake of the technology.
• The reasons for the technology should be strong, if the only reason is to have fun, other options should be considered.
• Advantages and disadvantages of the technology should be considered before the decision to use it.
These software packages below offer elements well balanced in terms of both entertainment and education of children. The names and some basic features of the software packages are given below.
1. Garfield G1
It is a spelling and vocabulary software for kids. The program uses the famous cat -Garfield as the main character of exercises and activities. The storyline is that Jon left the house and told Garfield not to mess up the house or he would be in big trouble. But Odie decides to mess it up and Garfield must clean the house before Jon gets home. Although there is no presentation of the subjects, there are a number of activities in the program.
Therefore it can be considered as activity software. There are also relatively short animations of Garfield following each activity.

2. English Plus Basic 1
This is the second CD-ROM of a large software package which consists of 12 CD-ROMs. This is one of the most popular sets of English teaching software in the market and also widely used in Turkey. It includes many skills of language teaching and also grammar. Although it is colored with well-designed graphics, grammar sections usually seem to be a mere transformation of grammar books onto to the digital screen.
3. English with the Little Mole
This software is basically a story-telling program with colorful pictures and voice effects. The users can read, see and hear the stories. Although there are not activity or exercise sections, it includes a useful picture dictionary for kids.
4. Spot and His Friends
It is a simple software package for younger kids, probably around pre-school ages. There are very simple tasks to accomplish and a dog named “Spot” helps the user with the tasks. The user should understand the audio commands in order to perform the activities.
5. Little Elephant Interactive
This is an activity software package with mostly listening comprehension exercises. Almost all of the instructions of exercises are of the same format: “Listen and choose”. A little elephant and his family are the main characters of the program. Users click or drag-and-drop on objects according to what they hear.
The use of technology redistributes teachers’ and classmates’ attentions, less-able students can become more active participants in the class because class interaction is not limited to that directed by the teacher. Moreover more shy students can feel free in their own students’-centered environment. This will raise their self-esteem and their knowledge will be improving. If students are performing collaborative project they will do their best to perform it within set time limits.

There are so many ways to create a fun evaluating test for kids, in order to make them enjoy the test. The first thing is we have to prepare them to face the test with some interesting activity such as: create test games, play as many vocabulary games as you can, do not make the big test day such a huge deal that even the parents are too anxious and scared to help their children be prepared and the important thing is make a different way or tools in doing the test such as using CALL.
The two features of CALL that make it a potential asset to testing are speed and memory. Speed enables the most appropriate item array to be presented for any given group of learners or any individual learner. Memory provides for the closure of the population-sample item gap.
There are many advantages in using CALL:
 Motivation
One way a program or activity can promote motivation in students is by personalizing information, for example by integrating the student’s name or familiar contexts as part of the program or task. Others include having animate objects on the screen, providing practice activities that incorporate challenges and curiosity and providing a context (real-world or fantasy) that is not directly language-oriented.
 Adapting learning to the student
Adapting to the student usually means that the student controls the pace of the learning but also means that students can make choices in what and how to learn, skipping unnecessary items or doing remedial work on difficult concepts. Such control makes students feel more competent in their learning.
 Authenticity
“Authenticity” in language learning means the opportunity to interact in one or more of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) by using or producing texts meant for an audience in the target language, not the classroom
 Critical thinking skills
Use of computer technology in classrooms is generally reported to improve self-concept and mastery of basic skills, more student-centered learning and engagement in the learning process, more active processing resulting in higher-order thinking skills and better recall, gain confidence in directing their own learning

Brown, H. Douglas, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Activities Practices, Pearson Education, Inc, San Francisco, 2004
Hartoyo, M.A., Ph.D, Individual differences in computer assisted Language Leaarning, Pelita Insani, Semarang, 2008.

some quotes

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.(Albert Einstein)

Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
Albert Einstein

Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.
Albert Einstein

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
Henry Ford

A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it.
Henry Ford

Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.
Henry Ford


ďťż a year ago…with my best friend…everything will be nice with you…ďťż

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